
Pool Cleaning

Byron Bay, Ballina & the Northern Rivers

Pool cleaning is an essential part of life for pool owners, but it can be very time-consuming.

Leaves and sticks fall into the water, and these can stain the bottom and sides if not removed. Bacteria from debris, bugs and critters can cause a range of issues for your pool, making it less safe to swim in.

Environmental and weather conditions can also cause problems. Prolonged sun exposure, rain and high temperatures can create the perfect environment for bacteria, and also cause the notorious ‘green pool’ phenomenon, where green algae turns the pool completely green.

Our pool cleaning services provide effective and reliable solutions for keeping every pool clean, beautiful and perfectly swimmable.

Pool cleaning Ballina, Byron Bay & the Northern Rivers

Our friendly, fast and affordable swimming pool cleaning services include:

  • Skimming to remove sticks, leaves and other debris
  • Removing any stains
  • Pressure washing to bring back that brand-new sparkle
  • Regular cleaning while you’re on holidays
  • Fixing green pools by correcting the chemical balance and washing away the green algae causing the problem

Whether it’s a one-off stain removal or weekly cheap pool cleaning services you’re after, Ballina Pools is ready to handle all your needs with good, old-fashioned pool service.

    Request Pool Service

    Our estimates are free, professional and fair. Most estimates require a site visit.

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